The Internal Displacement Research Programme's network of senior research associates aims to facilitate collaborative work between established scholars, integrating research on internal displacement from around the world.

Find out how to join the network here.

Hana Asfour

Hana Asfour

Head of M&E at Parallel Perspective Management Consulting in Jordan

Brian Aycock

Assistant Professor, International Christian University, Japan

Prof. Elizabeth Ferris

Prof. Elizabeth Ferris

Research Professor with the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University

Lucy Hovill

Dr Lucy Hovil

Managing Editor of the Intl Journal of Transitional Justice, and Deployable Civilian Expert for the UK Government’s Stabilisation Unit

Danesh Jayatilaka

Danesh Jayatilaka

Research Fellow at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies and consultant to the World Bank

Dr Ana Mosneaga

Documentation and Reporting Coordinator at the Danish humanitarian and development NGO DanChurchAid (DCA)

Dr Bríd Ní Ghráinne

Assistant Professor, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University, Ireland
Senior Researcher at the Judicial Studies Institute, Masaryk University, Czech

Dr. Phil Orchard

Dr. Phil Orchard

Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Wollongong

Dr Sudha Rajput

Associate Professor, George Washington University, 'Refugee and Migrant Crisis'