The Refugee Law Initiative hosts a large number of Senior Research Associates, Research Affiliates and Fellows. Since 2020, the RLI has supported the creation of Working Groups by these networks that serve as a platform to bring together affiliates and fellows with shared interests in a particular theme.


The Working Groups have the following goals:

  • Extending and deepening connections between RLI affiliates (and others);
  • Facilitating academic exchange and insight on the particular theme;
  • Gaining experience in presenting and discussing research methods, draft work and findings;
  • Sharing professional opportunities (funding, jobs, consultancies, events and publications);
  • Promoting opportunities to develop specific cooperative activities on the topic.  

The Working Groups encourages collaboration and knowledge dissemination by:

  • Periodic seminars for the presentation of work in progress by active members;
  • Organising thematic conference panels or workshops open to a broader public;
  • Crafting new research agendas, joint publications and other academic collaborations;
  • Developing joint research projects and pursuing external funding as necessary;
  • Research dissemination activities on points of direct relevance to the thematic area.
  • The Working Groups conduct their business principally by remote means (email, Zoom etc.) to allow for the widest participation by network members across the world and meet every 2-3 months. Membership is open to RLI Senior Research Associates, Research Affiliates and Fellows.

Current Working Groups

Currently, the following thematic Working Groups are active at the RLI:

For further information about specific Working Groups, please follow the links above and contact the group convenor(s) directly. RLI affiliates proposing to convene new Working Groups should contact the RLI Director.