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When does a draft evader or deserter qualify for refugee status? This seminar addresses this tangled issue in international refugee law. It is one has assumed heightened importance with the proliferation in recent years of armed conflicts involving states requiring compulsory military service in Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories and elsewhere.

The seminar brings together academic specialists and experienced legal practitioners from different jurisdictions to consider the application of international refugee law and its translation into domestic practice. The discussion focuses on questions crucial for all those engaged with international and domestic refugee law and practice at present.

This event will take the form of a moderated discussion amongst leading experts, with questions and comments from audience members. A drinks reception will follow the discussion, at which speakers and other participants can continue the conversation in a more informal setting.

The seminar is free and open to the public, but prior online registration is necessary. It will take place in person at Senate House. An option to follow the event online is also available during the registration process.

  • Professor Sarah Singer (Refugee Law Initiative)

  • Dr Sara Arapiles (Postdoctoral Fellow, Lund University, Sweden)
  • Professor Özgür Heval Çinar (University of Greenwich)
  • Eric Fripp (36 Public & Human Rights; RLI Visiting Fellow)
  • Lorne Waldman (Waldman & Associates; RLI Visiting Fellow)

This RLI event is organised with and sponsored by 36 Public & Human Rights.