Slides of Papers Presented and Poster Presentations
A. Collection of slide presentations of papers at the conference
Rethinking the Refugee Convention
- ‘The Universal Asylum System: Towards Termination or Reinforcement?’ - Terje Einarsen (Bergen)
- ‘Changing the Climate: Reconceptualising the Application of International Refugee Law in Disasters’ - Matthew Scott (Lund)
- 'Who Needs the Convention? Reassessing the Relevance and Function of the 1951 Refugee Convention’ - Sarah Elliott (UNHCR) / Jean-Pierre Gauci (BIICL)
Contemporary issues
- ‘Statelessness in a Migratory Context: What Solutions Do Regional Legal Instruments Offer?’ - Caia Vlieks (Tilburg)
- ‘The UK Statelessness Determination Procedure: A Failure of Protection’ - Sarah Woodhouse (Liverpool) / Judith Carter (Liverpool)
- ‘International Cooperation and Access to Asylum’ - Nikolas Feith Tan (Aarhus)
Legal Responses to Gangs, Criminal Violence and New Dynamics of Forced Displacement in the Americas and Africa
- ‘Particular Social Group and the Potential for the Protection of Women, Children and Individuals Fleeing Criminal Violence’ - Karen Musalo (Hastings)
- ‘The ICRC’s Stocktaking Exercise on the Operationalization of the African Union IDPs Convention’ - Julie Tenenbaum (ICRC)
- ‘Why Not a General Theory for Durable Solutions for Refugees?’ - Liliana Lyra Jubilut (UniSantos) / André de Lima Madureira (LSE)
- ‘The Origins of “Burden-Sharing” in the Contemporary Refugee Protection Regime’ - Claire Inder (UNHCR/Geneva)
- ‘Outsourcing Refugee Protection to Turkey’ - Izabella Majcher (Geneva)
- ‘Refugee Protection under Bilateral Treaties: Double Standards in Refugee Treatment or a Potential Form of Inter-Regional Burden-Sharing? (Case Study of Ex-Detainees from Guantanamo Seeking Asylum in Central Asia)’ - Khalida Azhigulova (Leicester)
Future Directions
“Sailing Against the Wind” – Australia’s Sui Generis Approach to the Refugee Definition’ - Linda Kirk (ANU)
- ‘The Future of Non-refoulement in International Refugee Law’ - James Simeon (York Toronto)
B. Poster Presentations
- ‘Non-refoulement: A Latin American Perspective’ - Rodolfo Ribeiro Coutinho Marques (Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil)
- ‘Under International Law, Can the United Nations Security Council Issue Resolutions Obligating States to Resettle Displaced Persons?’ - Margarita Fourer (Vrije Universiteit)
- ‘The Holocaust as a Reference Point in Israeli Refugee Case-Law’ - Ian Jaffe (MA Refugee Protection, RLI)
- ‘CEAS: Towards a Truly Common European Asylum System?’ - Vasiliki Kakosimou (Greek Asylum Service)
- ‘Temporary Protection in the context of the Current European Refugee Crisis: What lessons have been Learnt?’– John Koo (London South Bank University)
- ‘Regionalism: Reception of Refugees and their Freedom of Movement on the African Continent’ – Nicholas Maple (RLI)
- ‘Freedom of Movement of Urban Refugees in Chad’ - Paola Perinetti (ICRC)
- ‘Informing Non-refoulement Obligations with Responsibility to Protect’ - Jenny Poon (Western University, Canada)
- ‘The Principle of Cooperation in Refugee Field between General Principles of Law and Customary International Law’ - Rama Sahtout (Exeter)
- ‘Private Sponsorship of Refugees - The New Face of Resettlement for the European Union’ - Laura Truesdell (RCIC, CYC)
- ‘Potential in the Refugee Field for Burden-sharing and International Co-operation: The Case of Greece Lesvos as an Entry Point and Protection Challenges’ - Christina Velentza (Chatham House)