We welcome contributions to our blog on issues concerning Refugee Law and forced migration. 

Who can contribute?

We welcome contributions from academics, practitioners and postgraduate students at all levels in the field of refugee law or migration studies.

We particularly welcome submissions from research students who may want to share fragments of their preliminary research, or who wish to link their research to current affairs and policy issues.  We aim to publish these posts quickly, and will share them on social media and through our mailing lists. 

How to contribute

Send the title and a draft version of your post to rli@london.ac.uk. Please also let us know who you are (include a short bio which you are happy for us to publish) and why you are submitting an article on this issue. 

Submission guidelines

  • Articles can be anything from 500 to 3000 words;
  • Add hyperlinks to relevant sources and background information;
  • Add a short list of references in the end if necessary (footnotes can only be included in exceptional circumstances);
  • If including a photo or image, ensure you have permission to use it.
  • Please write in an accessible way, particularly considering this is a multidisciplinary academic blog.

We can in some cases consider posting pieces that have previously been published elsewhere, however this would require the author to liaise with the original publisher to obtain permission. 


Comments are welcome on all of our blog entries, however, all comments are moderated. Personal attacks or abusive comments will not be published. Criticism of organisations as against individuals is welcome if it serves a justifiable purpose.  It should not be gratuitous, but well-founded, based either on experience or argument. We welcome robust debate, but avoid sweeping, unfounded attacks. While we like to publish as many comments as possible, we may hold back comments which contain harsh criticism with no attempt at all to give that criticism a justified base. Commenters who have affiliations that readers should be aware of, or conflicts of interest, must declare them. Commenters need to identify themselves by their full names unless there are good reasons for not doing so.