Chen is a lawyer and social worker with an LL.M. from the London School of Economics with a specialisation in public law and a focus on human rights. Her professional experience includes working in the Israeli Ministry of Justice including the State's Attorney's Office - High Court of Justice Department (constitutional and administrative law). Her recent experience includes working as a researcher at the Hagar Institution, where she promoted affordable housing rights, and published a comparative research. Chen's primary interests lie in human rights and socio-economic rights. Her current research involves women refugees and gender-related issues within the asylum-seeking process. She also researches refugee integration and how laws embody social perceptions of marginalised communities.
- First, C., 2023. Are the Laws Still Poor? Reflections on the Right to Work Limiting the Right to an Adequate Standard of Living. LSE Law Review, 8(3), pp.322–367.
- First, C. & Cohen, S., (In press) Eligibility criteria for affordable housing: A comparative review and proposals for regulatory reform in Israel. Tel Aviv University (in Hebrew).
- Agmon-Gonnen, M. & First, C., (Work in Progress) We are Women We Are Human We are Refugees – Do we get Protection? The Intersection between the UDHR, CEDAW and the Refugee Convention. (Presented this paper at the 7th annual conference of the Refugee Law Initiative.)
- First, C., (Work in Progress) Protecting the Unseen: Navigating the Complexities of Mother-Child Relationships in Refugee Status.