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Dr Ayşe Güneş

Keywords: Turkey, Women's Rights, Domestic Legislation

Working Group(s): Working Group on Feminist Theory, Refugees and Displacement



Ayse is currently working as a Visiting Research Fellow at Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Academic Visitor at Brunel University London.  She completed her PhD at the Law School of Brunel University London on December 2017 (with no corrections) and a LLM at University of Sussex. Her research lies in the fields of women’s rights, crimes against women, gender, sexuality and intersectionality approach, feminist-legal theories. Her current research focuses on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking women through the issue of gender-related violence and persecution.

Recent Publications

  • Gunes, Ayse. ‘Feminist Hukuk Teorisinin Uluslararasi M lteci Hukukuna M dahalesi: Toplumsal Cinsiyete Ba li Zul m / Intervention of Feminist Legal Theory in International Refugee Law: Gender- Related Persecution’ sk l Engin, Zeynep . (ed.) Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Hukuk / Gender and Law (Oniki Levha Yayıncılık, 2022) (in publication process).
  • Gunes, Ayse. and Ezikoglu Caglar. “Legal and Political Challenges of Gender Equality and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: The Question of Istanbul Convention” (2022) Women & Criminal Justice, DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2022.2040695.
  • Gunes, Ayse. and Yılmaz, Feri tah. “The Role of Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities on Combatting Violence against Women within the International and National Legal Framework” (2021) Journal of International Women’s Studies, 22 (12), 115-134.
  • Gunes, Ayse. "Devletlerin zen Y k ml l lkesi Ba lamında Denizlerde G menleri Koruma G revi/ The Duty of Protecting Migrants at Sea in the Context of the Principle of Due Dı̇ lı̇ gence" (2021), TAAD 48, 413-436.
  • Gunes, Ayse. "Kesi imsellik Yakla ımı Ba lamında Kadına Y nelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı iddete li kin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi/ Analysis of CEDAW Committee General Recommendations No. 19 and 35 on Gender-based Violence Against Women in the Context of Intersectionality Approach "(2021) Sel uk niversitesi Hukuk Fak ltesi Dergisi 29 (3), 1739-1771
  • Gunes, Ayse. Uluslararası nsan Hakları Hukuku Ba lamında Toplumsal Cinsiyeti Ana Akımla tırmanın Kavramsal Ana lizi/ The Conceptual Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming in the Context of International Human Rights Law (2021) Sosyal Mucit Academic Review, 2(1), 53-71.
  • Gunes, Ayse. Legal Implications of Turkey’s Accessions to the Istanbul Convention by Enacting and Refining Its Laws on Violence Against Women, (2021) Women & Criminal Justice, 31(3), 210-224.
  • Gunes, Ayse. International Human Rights Law and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: Legislation on so called honour killings (Routledge, 2021).
  • Gunes, Ayse. ‘ ifte Ma duriyet: Covid-19 ve Kadına Y nelik Aile i i iddet/Double Victimisation: Covid-19 and Domestic Violence Against Women’, Ezikoglu Caglar (ed.) Covid-19 ve K resel Siyaset/Covid-19 and Global Politics (Ankara: Orion Yayınevi, 2021)
  • Gunes, Ayse. ‘Mevcut Geleneksel Rol n Siyasal Haklardaki Yeri: rd n’de Kadın Olmak/ The Place of the Current Traditional Role in Political Rights: Being a woman in Jordan’, Ezikoglu Caglar (ed.) Dunya Siyasetinde Az Gelismis Ulkeler/ Less Developed Countries in World Politics (Ankara: Nobel Yayinevi, 2020)
  • Kulahli, Ayse. "The Phenomenon of Honour Killings: Turkish Legal Framework" Paper Proceedings of Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies 2015. 2015.