Dr. Carolin Funke is a senior researcher at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. She has Master’s degrees in International Relations and Diplomacy from Antwerp University (Belgium) and European Union Studies from Leiden University (the Netherlands). In 2020, she earned her PhD in Social Science at Ruhr University Bochum. Her book “Durable Solutions: Challenges with Implementing Global Norms for Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia” based on her thesis was published with Berghahn Books’ Forced Migration Series in 2022. Her current research deals with disability inclusion in humanitarian action and crises. For this project, she has carried out field research in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh and remote research in South Sudan.
- Funke, Carolin (2022) "Durable Solutions: Challenges with Implementing Global Norms for Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia" Berghahn Books: Oxford, New York.
Articles (peer review)
- Funke, Carolin (2022) “No Context Is too Challenging: ‘Doing Inclusion’ in the Humanitarian Response in South Sudan” International Review of the Red Cross. online first:
- Funke, Carolin (2022) “Barrieren abbauen und Teilhabe fördern: Die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in humanitären Krisen“ [Removing Barriers and Promoting Meaningful Participation: Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Crises], Die Friedens-Warte - Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 95, No. 1-2, pp. 196- 216.
- Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2017) “The Growing Pains and the Growing Neglect of a Normative Framework: The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement”, Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, pp. 91-101.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
- Dijkzeul, Dennis and Carolin Funke (2021) “International Organization and Vulnerable Groups,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Reports
- Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2022) From Commitment to Action: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Response in South Sudan.
- Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2021) Mainstreaming Disability: A Field Study from Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
- Funke, Carolin (2017) “Protection Gaps and Socio-Economic Challenges in the Laghidze Settlement for Internally Displaced Persons in Zugdidi, Georgia”, research report for the Danish Refugee Council in the South Caucasus, shared with donors and local partners, available upon request.
Other Output
- Dijkzeul, Dennis, Carolin Funke, and Sophie Zastrow (2021) Book Review: Humanitarianism and the Quanitification of Human Needs: Minimal Humanity by Joël Glasman, London: Routledge. 2020, pp. 260, Die Friedenswarte – Journal of International Peace and Organization, Vol. 94, No. 3-4, pp. 450-453.
- Funke, Carolin and Dennis Dijkzeul (2021) Blog Entry: “Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der Humanitären Hilfe: Lehren aus der Rohingya Flüchtlingskrise in Bangladesch“ (“Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action: Lesssons from the Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh”) Humanitarian Views: The Humanitarian Blog, 21 September 2021. inklusion-von-menschen-mit-behinderungen-in-der-humanitaeren-hilfe/.
- Funke, Carolin (2020) “Strategic Partnerships and Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action: the Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh,” Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, No. 83, October 2020, pp. 31-34.
- Funke, Carolin and Tamar Bolkvadze (2018) “Work in Progress: the Guiding Principles in Georgia,” Forced Migration Review, No. 59, October 2018, pp. 13-15.
- Funke, Carolin (2015) “International Criminal Court Prosecutor Seeks Authorization from the Pre-trial Chamber to Open Investigations of the 2008 Russo-Georgian War”, Bofax No. 481E, 23 October 2015. bofaxe2015/481e.pdf.
- Funke, Carolin (2015) “Georgia and China Strengthen Economic Ties”, in: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 17, No. 19, 6 October 2015. china-strengthen-economic-ties.html.
- Popjanevski, Johanna and Carolin Funke (2014) “Russian-proposed Treaty with Abkhazia Unravels Hopes for Rapprochement with Georgia”, in: Central Asia- Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 16 No. 20, 29 October 2014. publications/analytical-articles/item/13080-russian-proposed-treaty-with-abkhazia- unravels-hopes-for-rapprochment-with-georgia.html.
- Funke, Carolin (2014) “The Georgian Orthodox Church and Its Involvement in National Politics”, in: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 16 No. 15, 14 August 2014. georgian-orthodox-church-and-its-involvement-in-national-politics.html.
- Popjanevski, Johanna and Carolin Funke (2014) “Judicial Targeting of Former Georgian Officials Raises Tensions Ahead of Local Elections”, in: Central Asia- Caucasus Analyst, Vol. 16 No. 8, 22 April 2014. publications/analytical-articles/item/12960-judicial-targeting-of-former-georgian- officials-raises-tensions-ahead-of-local-elections.html.