David Fernández-Rojo is a researcher and associate professor at the University of Deusto, Spain. David's research focuses on the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. He is particularly interested in the impact of the decentralized agencies’ operations, in terms of the effective and uniform national implementation of the migration, asylum and border management measures adopted at the EU level. David is a key researcher in the Jean Monnet Network European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue and coordinator at the University of Deusto of the Jean Monnet Networks EU Law Enforcement and EU Counterterrorism. David conducted postdoctoral research at the Instituto Barcelona de Estudios Internacionales (IBEI) and the University of Zürich, as well as part of his PhD research in the U.S. (Washington College of Law and Georgetown Law Center) and The Netherlands (Utrecht University, RENFORCE)
Recent Publications
- Fernández Rojo, David, “Reglamento 2016/1624: De Frontex a la Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas”, Revista General de Derecho Europeo, 41, January 2017, pp. 223-251
- Fernández Rojo, David, “The European Border and Coast Guard: Towards the Centralization of the External Border Management?”, Academic Research Network on Agencification of EU Executive Governance Blog
- Fernández Rojo, David, “It’s a new agency. It’s a federal agency. It’s the European Border Coast Guard! No wait… it’s Frontex”, EU Law Enforcement Blog
- Fernández Rojo, David, “Hotspot Approach: Cooperación y Control de Frontex, Easo y Europol” in Illamola Dausa, M. y Blasi Casagran, C., El control de las agencias del Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia: Contrapeso necesario a su autonomía, Marcial Pons, 2017, pp. 105-121 (book chapter)
- Fernández Rojo, David, “Creación de una Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas: Breve análisis de la propuesta de Reglamento de la Comisión Europea de 15 de diciembre de 2015”, European Papers – European Forum, Insight, April 2016, pp. 1-10 (peer-reviewed article)
- Fernández Rojo, David, “La detención de extranjeros en situación irregular: Impacto de la Directiva 2008/115/CE y la jurisprudencia del TJUE en la legislación española”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 53, Enero-Abril 2016, pp. 233-258 (peer-reviewed article)
- Fernández Rojo, David, “The Introduction of an Individual Complaint Mechanism within Frontex: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”, Belgian Journal for Governance Studies and Public Law (Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiek Recht) Wolters Kluwer, 4-5, 2016, pp. 225-235 (peer-reviewed article)