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Dr Domenico Tabasso

Keywords: Economics of Forced Displacement, Labour Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Working Group: Working Group on Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement


Domenico Tabasso is a Senior Economist at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. In this role he works at the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced Displacement, in Copenhagen.

He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex, an MSc in Economics from Essex and an undergraduate degree in Economics from Bocconi University. In the past he worked as Economist in the Research Department of the ILO, Lecturer at the University of Essex, Researcher at the University of Geneva, Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (University of Melbourne) and research assistant at the Fondazione Debenedetti.

His main research and professional interests are in Economics of Forced Displacement, Labour Economics, Development Economics and Applied Microeconomics.


  • “Wage Compression within the Firm: Evidence from an Indexation Scheme” (joint with Marco Leonardi and Michele Pellizzari), 2019, The Economic Journal, 129(November): 3256-3291.
  • “Where Are the Returns to Lifelong Learning?” (joint with Michael Coelli), 2019, Empirical Economics, 57(1): 205-237.
  • “Fully integrating vocational education and training courses into an upper-secondary academic curriculum: A flexible new way?” (joint with Cain Polidano), 2016, Economics of Education Review, 55(December): 117-131.
  • “A Second Chance at Education for Early School Leavers” (joint with Cain Polidano and Yi-Ping Tseng), 2015, Education Economics, 23(3): 358-375.
  • “Making It Real: The Benefits of Workplace Learning in Upper-Secondary VET Courses” (joint with Cain Polidano), 2014, Economics of Education Review, 42(October): 130-146.
  • “Trust of Second-Generation Immigrants: Intergenerational Transmission or Cultural Assimilation?” (joint with Julie Moschion), 2014, IZA Journal of Migration, 3(10).

Policy Reports

  • Asenjo, A., Escudero, V., Liepmann, H., Pignatti, C. and Tabasso, D. (2019). “What works: Promoting pathways to decent work”, Studies on Growth with Equity, Geneva, Switzerland: ILO.
  • McVicar, D. and Tabasso, D., (2016) “The impact of disadvantage on VET completion and employment gaps”, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Research Report. Melbourne, Australia: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research.

Book chapters

  • “Swiss youth unemployment during the Great Depression” (joint with M. Pellizzari), in Dolado, J. (ed.), No Country for Young People? Youth Labour Market Problems in Europe, CEPR eBook (2015).
  • “How Many Social Europes?” (joint with T. Boeri), in Ferraro, G. (ed.), Development and Employment in the global market, Milano: Giu_r_e Editore (2004), (in Italian).

Working Papers

  • “Unequal Bequests”(joint with Marco Francesconi and Robert A. Pollak). IZA Discussion Paper 8813, IZA, Bonn.
  • “With or Without You? Divorce Rate and Intra-household Allocation of Time”. IZA Discussion Paper 5292, IZA, Bonn.
  • “Temporary Contracts and Monopsony Power in the UK Labour Market”. IZA Discussion Paper 5867, IZA, Bonn.