Ermioni is a Senior Lecturer in law and Director of Research for Brunel Law School.
She is currently teaching EU, migration and refugee law.
Her research focuses on (EU) criminal, migration, and asylum law, as well as human rights.
Ermioni was granted the Athena Swan Research Award 2022-2023 to conduct her individual research project on externalising trends of asylum law.
She is the author of 'The European Arrest Warrant in a context of distrust: Is the Court taking rights seriously?'. European Law Journal, pp. 218 - 233. ISSN: 1351-5993
She participated in ITFLOWS, a three-year long research project funded by European Commission's Horizon 2020, as a member of the BUL team assessing human rights challenges posed by technological tools predicting migration.
She is also the author of 'Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Role for Proportionality?' published with Hart Publishing in 2020 and of several other publications.
Recent publications
- E Xanthopoulou & M Nayyeri 'Written evidence on human rights of asylum seekers' (2022) Parliament Human Rights Joint Committee
- E Xanthopoulou, ‘Mapping the EU’s Externalisation Devices: Repulsion, Emergency and Neo-coloniality’ (2023) (under peer-review, European Journal of Migration and Law)
- E Xanthopoulou 'The European Arrest Warrant in a context of distrust: Is the Court taking rights seriously?' (2023) European Law Journal
- E Xanthopoulou, 'Mutual Trust and Fundamental Rights in the Dublin System: A Role for Proportionality?' (2021) Blog of the Odysseus Network
- E Xanthopoulou, 'Legal uncertainty, distrust and injustice in post-Brexit asylum cooperation' in On Brexit (Elgar, 2020)
- E Xanthopoulou, Fundamental Rights and Mutual Trust in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (Hart, 2020)
- E Xanthopoulou & T Konstadinides, 'International Fight against impunity and EU Counter-Terrorism law: The Case of foreign terrorist fighters' in Fight Against Impunity in EU Law (Hart, 2020)
- E Xanthopoulou. 'Mutual trust and rights in EU criminal and asylum law: Three phases of evolution and the uncharted territory beyond blind trust'. Common Market Law Review, 55 (2). pp. 489 - 509.