
Dr Jeff Crisp is an expert analyst on refugee, migration and humanitarian issues. He has held senior positions with UNHCR, where he was Head of Policy Development and Evaluation, Refugees International (Senior Director for Policy and Advocacy) and the Global Commission on International Migration (Director of Policy and Research). He has also worked for the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues, the British Refugee Council and Coventry University. Dr Crisp has first-hand experience of refugee situations and humanitarian operations throughout the world and has published and lectured extensively on refugee, migration and humanitarian issues. He holds a Masters degree and PhD in African Studies and Political Science from the University of Birmingham and is a Honorary Professor at the University of Sussex. He is currently based at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

Publications/recent projects


Committee member, determining the winners for the Fifth Debate for ‘Vulnerability, Resiliance, and Post-Disaster Reconstruction; International Debates’ on Should Refugees be Sheltered and Contained in Organised Camps or in Urban and Rural Areas? – (April 2017)