Lynn Hillary works as an Assistant Professor at the department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests are migration law, human rights and European public law. At the Amsterdam Law School, Lynn coordinates the LL.M. Constitutional and Administrative Law and teaches courses on administrative law in the LL.B. and LL.M. Constitutional and Administrative Law.
On October 14, 2022, Lynn Hillary defended her PhD dissertation, entitled ‘Mutual trust as a general principle of EU law. External European asylum law through the lens of Member State cooperation’ at the Open Universiteit. Her doctoral research was supervised by Rolf Ortlep and Carla Zoethout (both OU and UvA). Before, Lynn worked at the Dutch Council for refugees (VluchtelingenWerk Nederland) and the migration chamber of a regional district court. In 2015, Lynn graduated from the LL.M. Public Law at the VUB in Brussels and she finished her studies at the VU Amsterdam where she graduated from the LL.M. International Migration and Refugee Law in 2016.
As of January 2021, Lynn is the editorial manager for the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten (NTM/NJCM-Bulletin). From September 2020 until December 2021, she coordinated the Migration and Borders working group of the Netherlands Network of Human Rights Research and is now a member of the Network’s working group. Lynn Hillary is also a member of the Dutch Association on Migration Research.