Emiliya Bratanova van Harten is interested in the links between externalization and legal pathways. More specifically, her PhD research focuses on how asylum, migration and human rights law interact and impinge upon access to territory and integration outcomes of refugees who arrive under legal pathways. More generally, her interests lie in the intersection between refugee, human rights law and EU law, and their implementation in various contexts, such as in Central and Eastern Europe. Emiliya has extensive experience as a refugee integration expert at the UNHCR in Bulgaria. She holds an LLM degree in European and International Human Rights Law from Leiden University and an MSc in Social sciences from the University of Amsterdam.
Thesis title and affiliation: “Legal Pathways in Europe: from Access to Territory to Refugee Integration”, Faculty of Law, Lund University
Here is a list of recent publications:
- “The new EU Resettlement Framework: the Ugly Duckling of the EU asylum acquis?”, EU law analysis blog post, 3.02.2023, http://eulawanalysis.blogspot.com/2023/02/the-new-eu-resettlement-framework-ugly.html
- “Complementary Pathways as ‘Genuine and Effective Access to Means of Legal Entry’ in the Reasoning of the ECtHR: Legal and Practical Implications” (2023), European Journal of Migration and Law (forthcoming)
- “Refugee Integration in European Human Rights Law and EU Law: A Right to be Integrated?”, in Czech, P., Heschl, L., Lukas, K., Nowak, M. & Oberleitner, G. (eds.) (2022), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2022, Antwerp: Intersentia. pp. 41-74.
- “Integration Impossible? Ethnic Nationalism and Refugee Integration in Bulgaria”, in Jesse, M. (ed.) (2020), European Societies, Migration and the Law. The ‘Others’ amongst ‘Us’. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 230-246