Francesco Negozio is PhD Candidate in Public, Comparative, and International Law (curriculum in International Order and Human Rights) at the Department of Political Science, Sapienza University of Rome. He is also PhD Student in Legal, Political, Economic and Social Sciences at the Sapienza School for Advanced Studies (SSAS) and Tutor of the LLM in International Protection of Human Rights and of the Training Course on Refugees and Migrants. Currently, he participates in the activities of the Horizon 2020 project "HABITABLE" (WP 6, Legal and Policy Analysis and Recommendations), an EU-funded project aiming at analysing interlinkages between climate impacts and migration and displacement patterns.
Francesco holds a MA in International Relations, obtained with honours in 2019 defending a dissertation in International Human Rights Law (Temporary Protection in International Law). He is alumnus of the Superior School for Advanced Studies of Sapienza (SSAS), where he concluded his MA studies in March 2020 with full marks, discussing a thesis on Temporary Protection of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. In 2018, he was awarded a yearly research grant in International Law on Women's Rights: Discriminations and Positive Actions.
His professional activities have been dealing with humanitarian affairs and refugee protection, both in the framework of multilateral diplomacy (Geneva, Permanent Mission of Italy to UN and EU Permanent Delegation to UN) and in NGOs working in the field (Gaziantep, Bir Dünya Çocuk).
Francesco's main research interests focus on International Refugee Law and Migration Law. In particular, his PhD thesis aims at addressing protection issues arising from disaster displacement.
Francesco supported the University of London’s Refugee Law Clinic offering its expertise on the Italian Immigration Legal Framework. He published a Blog Post on the RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration: "What Legal Options for Environmental and Climate-Displaced People under the Italian Protection System? Complementary protection on humanitarian grounds v. ad hoc regimes"
Recent publications/projects
- HABITABLE Project:
- Updated catalogue of research products:
- Francesco Negozio (2021), "La Corte di giustizia ribadisce l’incompatibilità della normativa ungherese in materia di asilo e immigrazione con il diritto dell’Unione europea. La distinzione tra “making an application” e “lodging an application” nel dettato dell’articolo 6 della direttiva 2013/32" [The EU Court of Justice reiterates that the Hungarian legal framework on Asylum and Migration does not comply with EU Law. The distinction between "making an application" and "lodging an application" in Article 6 of Directive 2013/32], Ordine internazionale e diritti umani, I/2021, p. 216-223;
- Francesco Negozio (2019) "Una prospettiva di genere sul contributo delle Ong alle operazioni di soccorso nel Mar Mediterraneo" [A Gender Perspective on NGOs Role in Mediterranean SAR Operations], Ordine internazionale e diritti umani, III/2019, p. 658-665;
- Francesco Negozio (2018), "I (non)accordi di rimpatrio. Profili giuridici del Memorandum d’intesa Italia-Sudan" [Readmission (non)Treaties: Legal Aspects of the MoU Italy – Sudan], Ordine internazionale e diritti umani, III/2018, p. 333-348.