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Kathryn Allinson

Keywords: State responsibility, displacement, accountability, externalisation, human right and humanitarian law

Working Group(s): Working Group on Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement


Kathryn Allinson is a legal scholar researching in the field of state responsibility, human rights and migration. She is a Lecturer in Law and Co-Director of the Centre for International law at the University of Bristol. She was a researcher on the Horizon 2020 PROTECT project. In this role Kathryn contributed to a number of commentaries on the Global Compact on Migration, as well as publishing widely on the topic and producing handbooks for legal practitioners working in the UK and EU. Her PhD on ‘Establishing responsibility for causing displacement: An inquiry into the role of ‘Displacing Third States’’ was awarded in January 2021 from Queen Mary University of London. She is also the Managing Editor of the peer-reviewed journal The International Community Law Review.

Publications/recent projects

  • K Allinson and N Busuttill, ‘Using the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as an Interpretative Tool for legal practitioners’ (The Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, June 2022)
  • E Guild, K Allinson, et al ‘The Schengen Borders Package: Repackaging Discredited Proposals in New Garments?’ (Journaal Vreemdelingenrecht, June 2022)
  • E Guild, K Allinson and N Busuttil, ‘The UN Global Compacts and the Common European Asylum System: Coherence or Friction (Laws, Special Issue: Rule of Law and Human Mobility in the Age of the Global Compacts, April 2022, Open Access)
  • K Allinson et al, ‘Refugee protection in times of pandemic: threats to the implementation of the Global Compacts during Covid19’ (European Yearbook on Human Rights, Special Focus: Human Rights in times of a pandemic, November 2021)
  • C Oelgemoller and K Allinson, ‘The Responsible Migrant, Reading the Global Compact on Migration’, 31 Law and Critique (2020, Open Access) pp. 183–207
  • E Guild, T Basaran and K Allinson, ‘From Zero to Hero? An analysis of the human rights protections within the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration’, 57 International Migration (2019) pp. 43-59
  • K Allinson, 'The right to be recognised as a person before the law' and 'Immigration Detention' in E Guild, S Grant, C Groenendijk, The Human Rights of Migrants (forthcoming, 2018)