Nicolas Parent, PhD, is a forced migration scholar and Part-Time Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa. At the intersection of geography, anthropology, and political science, his scholarly research examines the social and political production of refugee-inhabited spaces as mediated by host country, emergent, and transported cultures. The question of how race, class, and gender dynamics operate differently across geographies stands as the connective tissue used to bring together extensive fieldwork in Turkey, Peru, Rwanda, and the Balkans. Nicolas’ research can be found in The International Journal of Human Rights, Stability, Current History, Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Journal of Rural Studies, and in the edited collections Energies Beyond the State: Anarchist Political Ecology and the Liberation of Nature and Canada and the Global Refugee Regime (forthcoming).
List of recent publications
- Parent, Nicolas, Freier, Luisa Feline, and Dawson, Walker. Forthcoming. “Lost at Sea, Saved by Allah: Religious Coping on a Migrant Journey from Cape Verde to Brazil,” Mental Health, Religion & Culture.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2020. “From exile to homeland return: Ethnographic mapping to inform peacebuilding from afar,” Stability: International Journal of Security & Development 8, no. 1, art. 7: 1-23.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2019. “Displacement, return and environmental peacebuilding: Congolese refugees and the potential of ethnographic research,” Tvergastein Interdisciplinary Journal of the Environment, no. 12: 30-37.
- Freier, Luisa Feline and Parent, Nicolas. 2019. “The Regional Response to the Venezuelan Exodus,” Current History: A Journal of Contemporary World Affairs 118, no. 805: 56-61.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2018. “Four voices of refugee solidarity along the Balkan Route: An exploratory pilot study on motivations for mobilization,” Migration Letters 15, no. 3: 423-436.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2018. “Turkish perception of risk vis-a-vis Syrian refugees: An exploratory study of cultural cognition in Izmir, Turkey,” Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 12, no. 1: 2-25.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2017. “Falling short of protection: Peru’s new migration scheme for Venezuelans,” Forced Migration Review 56 (October): 41-42.
- Parent, Nicolas. 2016. “Refugees as Peons in Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and Reflections of Lasker and Nimzowitsch,” In/Words Magazine and Press 15, no. 3: 99-104.