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Rodolfo Ribeiro Coutinho Marques

Keywords: international legal theory, international dispute settlement, international law-making, the law of international organisations, international human rights law, international refugee law, laws of war and neutrality, and international environmental law.

Working Group(s): Working Group on Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement


Rodolfo is a PhD Researcher in International Law and Teaching Assistant (Interdisciplinary Programmes) at the Graduate Institute, Geneva. Before starting his doctoral studies, he worked with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), both in Geneva and in Brazil. His research interests range from legal theory, international refugee law, international human rights law, and laws of war to forced migration studies more broadly. Rodolfo holds a master’s degree in International Law from the Graduate Institute and an LLB (Dean's list) from the Federal University of Paraiba (Brazil). His research focuses on the meaning(s) of nationality as an international legal concept.