Sarah is a postdoctoral scholar at the MOBILE Centre of Excellence for Global Mobility Law at the University of Copenhagen. She studies how we can understand the intersections between international mobility regimes and policy pressures, especially in West Africa. Her work aims to situate how national judicial actors draw on, negotiate, and ultimately make, international law - in a domain that is highly politicised, dynamic and challenging.
She has previously completed a PhD dissertation on asylum appeals in the Nordic countries, focusing on the brokering role of human rights by judicial in-betweeners and oversight institutions.
- Entangled Asylum in the Nordic Region (monograph forthcoming with Bristol University Press, 2025)
- Brokering uncharted terrain: the revocation of protection in Norwegian and Danish asylum appeals (forthcoming in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - Special Issue, “The temporary turn in asylum: researching the politics of deterrence in practice”, 2024)
- Nordic Migration Cases before the UN Treaty Bodies: Pathways of International Accountability? Nordic Journal of International Law 91 1 p. 44-79 (2022)
- Introduction: Nordic Visions of International Migration and Refugee Law, Nordic Journal of International Law. 91, 1 p. 1-16 (2022) (co-authored with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen)
- ‘Danish Immigration Law’ In Public Law: Insights into Danish Constitutional and Administrative Law p. 167-208 (Nielsen, P. A. & Olsen, J. (eds.). Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2022) (co-authored with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen)