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Tatiana-Maria Cernicova-Dragomir

Keywords: analytical approach to human rights of migrants and refugees, new technologies, modern digital world

Working Group(s): Working Group on Courts and Refugee Protection; and Working Group on Feminist Theory, Refugees and Displacement


Tatiana-Maria Cernicova-Dragomir is a PhD student within a joint-PhD program between the Law Faculty of the West University of Timișoara (Romania) and Università degi Studi di Udine (Italy). Her PhD thesis is titled Migrants and Refugees: Their Right to Privacy in Europe. Her research is focused on an analytical, comparative and empirical approach of the issue of protecting the human rights of migrants and refugees, with regard to privacy in the face of new technologies, within a modern digital world. It entails extensive study of the available literature, as well as an empirical component, namely applying questionnaires to migrants in different European countries, in order to have a practical view of how the right to privacy is being observed in their regard. The research is qualitative in nature and has a strong empirical approach. Out of the methodological standpoint, her interests lie in case selection and comparative methods, interviews in socio-legal human rights research (for developing and applying the questionnaires to migrants), content analysis and interpretivism as a normative approach. 

Recent Publications


  • La position de l’Union Européenne envers les États membres dans la crise frontalière biélorusse - un Janus de discours politique et d’action normative

    Published in the collective volume Agapes francophones Sur l'expression (non)conforme de la pensée politiquement in.correte, Ed. Universității de Vest, Timișoara, Romania, 2023, pp. 53-71


  • Legal Consequences of Interim Measures Indicated by the ECtHR to Poland, in the 2021 EUBelarus Border Crisis

    Published in the collective volume Conformitatea, Conformarea și Conformismul în Drept - Conformity, Compliance and Conformism in Law - International Conference of PhD Students in Law, Timișoara, Romania, 14th Edition, Universul Juridic, Bucharest, pp. 68-82


  • Derogation from the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, in the context of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (original title: Derogarea de la prevederile Convenției europene a drepturilor omului, în contextul pandemiei provocate de coronavirusul SARSCoV-2)

    Published in Noua Revistă de Drepturile Omului, vol. 17, Nr. 4/2021, Ed. Pavesiana