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Vicky Kapogianni

Keywords: Climate-induced migration, Externalisation, international refugee law, human rights law, migration and border violence

Working Group(s): Working Group on Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement; Working Group on Externalisation Kapogianni, V. & Magugliani, N., ‘Aerial Surveillance Sine Qua Non for Interceptions at Sea: Mapping the European Union’s Complicity in Border Violence’, in: P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lucas, M. Nowak and G. Oberleitner (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023 (Intersentia 2023), 475-506.   




Dr Kapogianni is an interdisciplinary scholar interested in exploring jurisdictional challenges and accountability gaps within the migration field, along with issues related to forced displacement, reparations, and genocide. Her research extends to investigating mechanisms for advancing accountability, redress, and prevention within the transitional justice context and beyond. Her work draws upon EU & International Human Rights Law, Migration and Refugee Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, and Transitional Justice. 

Her most recent publications and current leading projects have a three-pronged engagement: first, they examine jurisdictional challenges and accountability gaps owing to the increased reliance on aerial assets (i.e., drones), presented as hybrid strategy for maritime surveillance and for combatting irregular migration. A second strand examines territorial revisions and the reinvention of colonialism (and its accompanying risks of statelessness and genocide) through the pretext of self-determination. Her third project, ‘Island Nations Going Under: Submerged Statehood, Legal Protections Beyond Refugee Status’, unravels the complex intersections of statehood, ‘forced’ relocation, and the legal rights of populations affected by climate change, disasters, and severe environmental harm. Her research scrutinises how these multifaceted issues align with the existing framework of international law or necessitate innovative solutions de lege ferenda.

Latest Publications

  • Kapogianni, V. & Magugliani, N., ‘Aerial Surveillance Sine Qua Non for Interceptions at Sea: Mapping the European Union’s Complicity in Border Violence’, in: P. Czech, L. Heschl, K. Lucas, M. Nowak and G. Oberleitner (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2023 (Intersentia 2023), 475-506.