
Yasemin is a PhD candidate in School of Law at the University of Warwick in which she is looking at refugee integration after the largescale refugee movements. In this context, Yasemin explore's Syrian refugees’ integration in two different countries and regions with contrasting legal and policy approaches to refugee protection and integration, namely Turkey and Germany.

Before starting her PhD in School of Law at the University of Warwick in October 2017, she worked as a Project Coordinator at the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) in Ankara, which is the implementing partner of UNHCR Turkey Office. Her first project ‘Special Needs Fund’ implemented in cooperation with International Organization of Migration (IOM) was about providing assistance to non-Syrian and Syrian refugees who have urgent needs. Yasemin's second project ‘Needs Assessment of Syrian Refugee Women under Temporary Protection Status in Turkey’ conducted in cooperation with UN Women was about the challenges of Syrian women of accessing to existing service mechanism and livelihoods opportunities in seven most Syrian refugeehosting cities of Turkey. 

Yasemin holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from Gazi University, Turkey, a master’s degree in International Relations from Ankara University, Turkey, and a LLM in Human Rights Law from Cardiff University, Wales.