11th International Refugee Law Seminar Series (in partnership with PDD)
'Implications for policy of a (post-?) COVID-19 world…'
Moderators: David Cantor, RLI / Walter Kälin, PDD
Speakers: Paul Spiegel (Johns Hopkins University), Mihir Bhatt (All India Disaster Mitigation Institute), Aimée-Noël Mbiyozo (Institute for Security Studies Africa), Dr Nikolas Feith Tan (Danish Institute of Human Rights). Click on names for presentation slides.
Date: Wednesday 17 March 2021, 1.30pm UK
'Legal responses to cross-border 'environmental' mobility'
Moderator: Moderator: Atle Solberg (Head of the Secretariat of the Platform on Disaster Displacement)
Speakers: Jane McAdam (Kaldor Centre of International Refugee Law, University of New South Wales), Richard Bedford (University of Waikato), David Cantor (Refugee Law Initiative) and Lucy Daxbacher (Intergovernmental Authority on Development)
Date: Wednesday 10 February 2021, 1.30pm UK
'Internal displacement, migration and planned relocation in the context of natural hazards'
Moderator: Moderator: Greta Zeender, Secretariat, UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement
Speakers: Romola Adeola (University of Pretoria), Matthew Scott (Raoul Wallenberg Institute), Tasneem Siddiqui (Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, University of Bangladesh) and Elena Correa, (Independent Consultant)
Date: Wednesday 13 January 2021, 1.30pm UK
Global policy debates, mobility and natural hazards
Moderator: Nina Birkeland, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Speakers: Dina Ionesco (International Organization for Migration), Andrew Harper (UNHCR), Ezekiel Simperingham (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), Mirzan Khan (International Centre for Climate Change and Development)
Date: Wednesday 12 December 2020, 1.30pm UK
Data and knowledge on human mobility in the context of natural hazards
Moderator: Atle Solberg (Platform on Disaster Displacement)
Speakers: Justin Ginnetti (Independent Consultant); Caroline Zickgraf (Hugo Observatory); Kanta Kumari Rigaud (World Bank); Luiza de Moura Pallone (South American Network for Environmental Migrations)
Date: Wednesday 11 November 2020, 1.30pm UK
Conceptualising policy - do ‘climate refugees’ or ‘environmental migrants’ really exist?
Moderator: David Cantor, RLI
Speakers: Walter Kälin (Platform on Disaster Displacement), Koko Warner (United Nations Climate Change Secretariat), Francois Gemenne (Hugo Observatory), Max Martin (University of Sussex)
Date: Wednesday 7 October 2020, 1.30pm UK
Launch: RSQ Special Issue - ‘Why Do We Need New Research on Internal Displacement?’
Moderator: Mark Yannell (UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement)
Speakers: Professor David Cantor (RSQ Editor-in-Chief; IDRP Director), Dr Romola Adeola (Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacement in Africa, University of Pretoria), Dr Ben Hudson (University of Exeter), Lígia Magalhães (IDP department, Mexican Commission for Defense and Promotion of Human Rights)
Date: Thursday 21 January 2021, 3.00pm UK