Refugee Law Clinic The UoL's Refugee Law Clinic provides pro bono legal advice for refugee clients based on a model of Clinical Legal Education for its diverse student body.
Accessing Protection and Solutions in Africa This new project investigates these contemporary issues as they relate to refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced persons in Africa.
Asylum, Criminality and Terrorism This research project examines the intersection of asylum, criminality and the national security concerns of States.
Criminality as a Driver of Displacement This project analyses the dynamics of this alarming new wave of forced displacement and their implications of scholarship on forced migration.
Disasters, Environment and Mobility This project seeks to better understand both the empirical aspects of this strand of human mobility and the legal and policy responses of States.
Health and Internal Displacement This project seeks to connect medical and health researchers and practitioners with an interest in IDP populations across different regions and specialisations.
Humanitarian Accountability in Displacement Situations This project explores legal and other frameworks of accountability for humanitarian actors and its implications in humanitarian work.
Internal Displacement Research Programme The Internal Displacement Research Programme promotes and facilitates research on internal displacement, including policy-relevant research.
Refugee Law and Rights This project aims to better understand the place of rights in protecting refugees and other persons who flee the risk of violations in their own countries.
Refugee Protection in Latin America This project engages principally with the dynamics of refugee protection within Latin America.
Refugees fleeing War This project addresses relevant legal and policy aspects of the relationship between war and refugees.
Seeking Asylum in Europe This project provides a complementary platform to ensure that Europe as a region remains integrated within the work of the RLI.
Supporting Regional IDP Research Networks This project supports interdisciplinary networks of researchers on internal displacement in affected countries and regions.
Undesirable but Unreturnable Migrants This project aims to stimulate new cross-boundary debate on the challenges posed to national and international public policy by excluded asylum-seekers.