Emerging Regional (Forced) Migration Patterns in Africa Part 1: Responses to Coups and Conflict
Week 2: Wednesday 10 April 2024
This workshop will explore responses to the recent coups and emerging conflicts on the continent, and the impact these developments are having on displaced and local community populations.
Questions to be discussed
- What is the impact of the increasing number of coups in West Africa on migration movement in the region and across the continent? What have been the responses of neighbouring countries?
- Are the core tenants of the Global Refugee Regime, such as non-refoulement, being respected today?
- What are the implications of a protracted conflict in Sudan on human mobility within the region and further afield?
- Increased instability, forced and irregular migration in West Africa – Dr Alain Tiga Ouedraogo (Institut des Sciences des Sociétés (INSS) of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST), Burkina Faso)
- Repatriation and forced returns in East Africa – Dr Stephanie Schwartz (London School of Economics)
- Sudan, the forgotten conflict: Mixed migration consequences of the conflict -Allehone Abebe (Senior Policy Advisor for UNHCR)
- Dr Mary Boatemaa Setrana, The Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana