One-day Writing Workshop at the 20th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference (IASFM20)

This one-day writing workshop will bring together early career researchers (ECRs) (including PhD students) attending IASFM20, with peers from UK, Canadian, and Australian Universities, and the Refugee Survey Quarterly (RSQ) journal.
The event is an excellent opportunity for ECRs to obtain constructive feedback on draft writing samples from peers and academic journal editors in a friendly space.
The workshop will focus on the theme of Governance of Displacement and Protection. Proposals/papers are welcomed from ECRs looking at how we understand displacement, forms of protections found at different levels of analysis (including global and ground-level approaches), and formal and informal solutions to displacement. Given the overarching focus of the conference, papers with a focus on the urban setting are particularly encouraged.
Selected participants will be expected to submit a draft academic article (6,000 to 8,000 words) in advance of the workshop for discussion and feedback from workshop participants. Each participant will also be required to give constructive feedback on other attendees’ submissions.
To apply to the writing workshop
Please submit an abstract for your academic paper (approximately 300 words) with a cover email outlining your motivations for applying to participate in the workshop to by 9 November 2024. You will also need to include evidence of registration for the conference.
Successful participants will be notified in mid-November 2024. Participants are expected to submit their draft workshop papers (6,000 to 8,000 words) by 6 January 2025.
This is an in-person only event, and there are a limited number of spaces.
The Governance of Displacement and Protection in a Chaotic World writing workshop is being organised by Local Engagement Refugee Research Network (LERRN), the Refugee Law Initiative, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, and the RSQ journal. Any queries, please email